Hey guys! Just wanted to share with you our finalized methodology for our action research project…we are all super excited to see things starting to come together and to show you our "map" of where we will go from here.
Again, here are our two research questions:
1. Does the type of brain break (yoga, dance, or fitness) elicit different academic and behavioral performance results in first and second grade?
2. Is there a signifigant difference in student performance between a three or five minute brain break in the first and second grade classroom?
We will all be conducting our research in our respective classrooms (two of us are in first grade in Baltimore City and two of us are in second grade in Howard County). Our classes have between 20 and 28 students, all of whom will be used.
Although we are not sure of exact dates at this moment, we estimate that the research itself will happen over three weeks, spending one week at a time on each of our three types of brain breaks (yoga, dance, and fitness). The research will be compiled between January and May of 2015.
Our independent variables are the type and length of the brain break. Our dependent variables are the students' behavior and their academic performance. To collect data, we envision using surveys that tell us how student's feel about each type of brain break. The surveys will measure attitudes and motivation before and after the brain breaks. In addition, we will use some sort of academic assessment---TBD---and observations.
Other than ourselves, our mentor teachers will help us collect and analyze data needed for this project. If necessary, some of us may use our PDS coordinators, school administrators, and grade team leaders if we decide that they would be helpful further on down the road.
We will keep you updated about new developments as they happen! We are excited to share this project with you all!!
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